Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tahukah anda bahawa telefon bimbit anda sedikit sebanyak boleh membantu dikala kecemasan.Banyak perkara yang boleh anda lakukan,antaranya : -
Sentiasa ingat bahawa nombor kecemasan untuk semua telefon adalah 112.Jika anda dalam kecemasan dan berada dikawasan tiada liputan untuk semua talian telefon
bimbit yang anda gunakan, cuba dail nombor kecemasan 112.Ia boleh digunakan walaupun di kawasan yang tiada liputan dan lebih menarik lagi,ia boleh terus didail walaupun papan kekunci telefon bimbit anda dikunci ( Keypad lock )
Pernahkah anda tertinggal kunci kereta dalam kereta dan kereta anda ketika itu terkunci dari luar.Mesti anda lakukan pelbagai cara untuk mendapatkan kembali kunci bagi membuka semula kereta anda.Jangan risau,telefon bimbit boleh membantu,tapi bagi kereta yang menggunakan system penggera (alarm ) sahaja . Caranya,cuba anda hubungi seseorang yang berada di rumah.Minta dia ambilkan kunci pendua kereta anda.Kemudian pegang telefon bimbit anda dari jarak kira-kira 30 sm ( satu kaki ) dari kereta yang terkunci
itu.Minta pula keluarga atau teman di rumah menekan punat ' ON ' pada kunci pendua kereta dan pastikan dia menekan dengan mendekatkan pada telefon bimbitnya.Pasti
kereta anda tidak terkunci lagi,malah ia boleh dilakukan dari jarak beratus-ratus kilometer dari tempat kereta anda berada.Kerana itu juga,penting untuk anda menyimpan kunci
pendua atau meminta orang yang anda percayai untuk menyimpannya. Penting juga penggunaan telefon bimbit dalam keadaan sebegini.Kaedah ini memang berkesan kerana beberapa orang telah mencubanya.
Mungkin ramai tidak tahu,telefon bimbit yang telah kehabisan bateri masih boleh digunakan dalam keadaan kecemasan kerana ia mempunyai fungsi untuk menyimpan bateri tambahan.Bayangkan jika bateri telefon bimbit anda sudah terlalu lemah atau
mati sedangkan anda perlu melakukan panggilan penting atau berada dalam kecemasan.Telefon bimbit jenis Nokia didatangkan dengan bateri simpanan.Untuk mengatifkannya, tekan kekunci ' *3370# ' . Telefon bimbit anda akan berjaya dihidupkan semula dan skrin telefon akan memberitahu telefon tentang penambahan kuasa bateri sebanyak 50 peratus.Kuasa tambahan ini juga akan dicas semula bila anda mengecas telefon bimbit anda .
Bagaimana jika telefon bimbit anda dicuri.Anda boleh menjadikan ia tidak dapat diaktifkan dengan menekan nombor siri yang terdapat di telefon bimbit anda,sila dail *#06#
dan 15 digit nombor siri telefon bimbit anda akan tertera di skrin.Nombor ini adalah unik untuk setiap telefon bimbit.Catatkan nombor siri ini dan simpannya di tempat Selamat.Bila telefon bimbit anda dicuri,anda boleh hubungi pusat servis telefon bimbit anda dan berikannya kod nombor siri tersebut.Mereka kemudiannya akan mengunci system
dalam telefon bimbit anda dan sesiapa sahaja yang mencurinya pasti hampa kerana walaupun kad simnya telah ditukar,dia tidak akan berupaya mengaktifkan kembali telefon
bimbit tersebut.Jadi, walaupun ia di curi,namun sekurang-kurangnya anda berpuas hati kerana si pencuri takkan boleh menggunakannya ataupun menjualnya
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Otak hanyalah aktiviti-aktiviti bio-elektrik yang melibatkan sekumpulan saraf yang dipertanggungjawabk an untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu bagi membolehkan ia berfungsi dengan sempurna. Setiap hari 14 juta saraf yang membentuk otak ini berinteraksi dengan 16 juta saraf tubuh yang lain.. Semua aktiviti yang kita lakukan dan kefahaman atau ilmu yang kita peroleh adalah natijah daripada aliran interaksi bio-elektrik yang tidak terbatas..
Oleh itu, apabila seorang itu berzikir dengan mengulangi kalimat-kalimat Allah, seperti Subhanallah, beberapa kawasan otak yang terlibat menjadi aktif. Ini menyebabkan berlakunya satu aliran bio-elektrik di kawasan-kawasan saraf otak tersebut. Apabila zikir disebut berulang-ulang kali, aktiviti saraf ini menjadi bertambah aktif dan turut menambah tenaga bio-elektrik. Lama-kelamaan kumpulan saraf yang sangat aktif ini mempengaruhi kumpulan saraf yang lain untuk turut sama aktif. Dengan itu, otak menjadi aktif secara keseluruhan. Otak mula memahami perkara baru, melihat dari sudut perspektif berbeza dan semakin kreatif dan kritis, sedang sebelum berzikir otak tidak begini. Otak yang segar dan cergas secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi hati untuk melakukan kebaikan dan menerima kebenaran.
Hasil kajian makmal yang dilakukan terhadap subjek ini dimuatkan dalam majalah Scientific American, keluaran Disember 1993. satu kajian yang dilakukan di Universiti Washington dan ujian ini dilakukan melalui ujian imbasan PET yang mengukur kadar aktiviti otak manusia secara tidak sedar. Dalam kajian ini, sukarelawan diberikan satu senarai perkataan benda. Mereka dikehendaki membaca setiap perkataan tersebut satu persatu dan mengaitkan perkataan-perkataan dengan kata kerja yang berkaitan. Apabila sukarelawan melakukan tugas mereka, beberapa bahagian berbeza otak mempamerkan peningkatan aktiviti saraf, termasuk di bahagian depan otak dan korteks.
Menariknya, apabila sukarelawan ini mengulangi senarai perkataan yang sama berulang-ulang kali, aktiviti saraf otak merebak pada kawasan lain dan mengaktifkan kawasan saraf lain. Apabila senarai perkataan baru diberikan kepada mereka, aktiviti saraf kembali meningkat di kawasan pertama. Ini sekali gus membuktikan secara saintifik bahawa perkataan yang diulang-ulang seperti perbuatan berzikir, terbukti meningkatkan kecergasan otak dan menambah kemampuannya.
Oleh itu, saudara-saudara ku seIslam, ketika saintis Barat baru menemui mukjizat ini, kita umat terpilih ini telah lama mengamalkannya dan menerima manfaatnya. Malang bagi mereka yang masih memandang enteng kepentingan berzikir dan mengabaikannya.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tak perlu mencari teman secantik
BALQISjika diri tidak sehebat dan seindah
SULAIMANMengapa mengharap teman setampan
YUSUFjika kasih tak setulus
ZULAIKHATak perlu diri menjadi seteguh
IBRAHIMjika diri tak sekuat
SARAHMengapa didamba temam hidup seistimewa
KHADIJAHjika diri tak sesempurna
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Suave and compromising. Funny and humorous.
Stubborn. Very talkative. Calm and cool. Kind and
Sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. Loyal. Does
Work well with others. Very confident. Sensitive.
Positive Attitude. Thinking generous. Good Memory. Clever and knowledgeable. Loves to look For information. Able to cheer everyone up and/or
Make them laugh. Able to motivate oneself and
Others. Understanding. Fun to be around.
Outgoing. Hyper. Bubbly personality.. Secretive.
Boy/girl crazy. Loves sports, music, leisure and Traveling.. Systematic. Hot but has brains.
Monday, June 15, 2009
EPAL mempunyai pelbagai khasiat seperti mengurangkan kolestrol dan risiko penyakit jantung.
SEBIJI epal yang dimakan setiap hari cukup untuk membekalkan khasiat dan mengurangkan kolesterol dalam badan. Malah sebiji epal setiap hari cukup untuk menjauhkan diri daripada doktor.
Kajian mengenai khasiat epal dan jusnya disahkan terbukti meningkatkan kesihatan dan fungsi jantung. Jus yang mengandungi phytonutrient boleh melambatkan pengoksidan kolesterol yang tidak baik, iaitu proses pertumbuhan penyakit jantung.
Serat epal pula membantu proses penghadaman dengan mengeluarkan asid organik sewaktu bertindak balas dengan bakteria dalam usus.
Kandungan asid butrik juga merupakan sumber makanan sel usus yang dapat membasmi pertumbuhan sel kanser usus.
Selain itu epal juga kaya dengan serat. Lima gram serat dalam sebiji epal bersamaan dengan 20 peratus serat yang diperlukan oleh manusia dalam diet harian.
Ia juga berfungsi sebagai pengimbang lemak yang baik, khususnya untuk kanak-kanak yang gemar mengambil makanan segera.
Malah kajian yang dilakukan oleh saintis British juga membuktikan kunyahan epal mampu mengubati masalah sakit gigi dan selaput tatar yang merosakkan gigi.
Bukan itu sahaja, di Jepun, penyelidik mendakwa amalan mengupas buah epal dapat mengaktifkan bahagian hadapan otak iaitu bahagian yang mengawal pemikiran logik, imaginasi dan penilaian. - utusan
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Honey is far better than what most people perceive...
Discover the enormous benefits of honey; its pure, natural, and varied tastes and all the health benefits it provides. Its versatility and the goodness it can bring into your everyday practical life is WOW!
Not only does this delectable liquid stimulate your taste buds and whet your appetite, its unique taste and aroma has sprung off many time honor cooking ideas and recipes such as the cannot-be-missed honey baked ham and honey dips. But is honey really good for you? This caramel-like liquid seems to be full of calories. ...sure it tastes good and has a pleasant texture that coats the irritated throat, but perhaps it's just a little more than a tasty placebo...
The fact is, more and more researchers are turning up new evidence of honey's medical benefits in all directions. The benefits of honey don't just stop at satisfying the palate; honey also offers incredible antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties for our body and health, hot beauty and skin care tips for ladies, and amazing healing properties as a head-to-toe remedy, from eye conjunctivitis to athlete foot. Its powerful healing attributes have long been used thousands of years ago and known to promote healing for cuts, cure ailments and diseases, and correct health disorders for generations after generations. The renowned UMF Manuka honey, perhaps the tastiest natural medicine, is commonly cited in many discussions on health benefits of honey. It not only fights infection and aids tissue healing but also helps reduce inflammation and scarring. In addition, it is often used for treating digestive problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and gastroenteritis. With more and more health experts and theories (such as the Hibernation Diet ) supporting its benefits, this oldest natural sweetener just keeps getting better. Eating for health has never been sweeter.
One of the greatest pleasure and fascination in using honey is understanding the different floral varieties of honey, their appearance and quality, and experimenting with each of their unique taste and distinct flavor, and being able to know which floral variety of honey is most perfect for which kind of foods. The uses and benefits of honey in foods are as diverse as its floral varieties and places of origin. It is almost like acquiring wine knowledge through wine-tasting and getting information on the origin, quality and worth of the different wines. Very intriguing, satisfying, and even infectious! Besides all the pages on benefits of honey, perhaps one of the most well-received topics in this web resource is related to those exotic, tantalizing recipes which I have specially created and developed using honey. Perhaps this is what makes the honey recipes here different from the massive number of honey recipes available out there.....exotic!
This rich and comphrehensive honey web resource currently has over 180 pages (links to these pages can be found in the pages listed on the menu bar, otherwise, you could also do an easy search using the Honey Sitemap). It sets out to share with all the honey lovers and fans in this world how exciting discovering the uses and benefits of honey can be. (It has become a "Benefits of Honey Wikipedia"!) And since early 2007, it has grown into a phletora of other health and nutrition contents, bringing you discussions on some of the hottest health-buzzwords like cortisol, natural skin care, lymphatic systems, organic food, antioxidant, and detox - all of which you can find in our Health & Nutrition Resources Index . There you also can find links to some very layman, easy to understand explanations on honey bee products such as propolis, royal jelly, beewax, and bee pollen, and some of the most common health problems such as bad breath, athlete foot, hair loss, sleep disorder, arthritis, acne, and yeast infection - all of which honey has traditionally been used as a natural cure or alternative medicine . For the latest additions and new pages in this website, you can track and find them in the Honey Blog.
Come into my world of honey, get some quick easy honey facts and interesting honey bees information, be introduced to some common bee products and their benefits and uses, scrutinize together the nutrition and properties of honey and its health benefits. Well, I probably cannot offer you medical advice on honey like a medical doctor or promote honey as a substitute for professional medical care, and I don't aim to, but as a honey enthusiast, I am eager to give you all the reasons in the most laymen, simplest language that is easy for everybody to grasp and appreciate - why honey is such a superfood, why we should feel indebted to the tireless creatures which have to visit two million flowers just to provide us with one pound of honey, why everyone should always keep a jar of honey at home, and even why one should consider using it during a fast. Also you will realize with its bewildering number of varieties, this natural sweetener is comparable to tea, coffee, wine in its complexity, and agree that it surely doesn't deserved to be labelled as a mundane or humdrum commodity which has a homogeneous taste and flavour, like water, salt, and sugar.
I sincerely hope that what we discuss in Benefits of Honey will change the way people perceive and experience honey, turning consumption into a special ceremony, and with its own special tastes, honey will find a new star status as a chic and awe-inspiring golden liquid.
Eating for health has never been sweeter
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Honey’s Nutritional Profile
Raw honey is a source of simple carbohydrates. Its composition on average, is 17.1 percent water, 82.4 percent total carbohydrate and 0.5 percent proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The average carbohydrate content is mainly fructose (38.5 percent) and glucose (31 percent). The remaining 12.9 percent of carbohydrates is made up of maltose, sucrose and other sugars.
Source of Energy
As a carbohydrate, raw honey supplies energy at 64 calories per tablespoon, providing fuel to working muscles. A limited study at the University of Memphis Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory found raw honey to be one of the most effective forms of carbohydrate gels to ingest just prior to exercise. According to Dr. Richard Kreider, the study’s lead investigator, “honey appears to be a carbohydrate source that is relatively mild on its effects upon blood sugar compared to other carbohydrate sources.” Continuing research is examining the effects of raw honey in comparison to different types of carbohydrate gels prior to weightlifting on the effect on glucose, insulin and markers of protein breakdown.
Other limited studies performed in Dr. Kreider’s lab have shown that raw honey may comprise half of the secret to post-workout recuperation. Many post-workout products on the market combine a large amount of carbohydrates with protein. The most common carbohydrate source used is maltodextrin, a mildly sweet carbohydrate usually derived from corn. Upon comparison of a honey-protein vs. a maltodextrin-protein shake taken after a vigorous weightlifting workout, the honey-protein combination fared as well in promoting markers of muscle recuperation. The honey group’s blood sugar was sustained for at least two hours post-workout. “Our data suggest that honey functions well in all of the aspects associated with post-workout recuperation and energy repletion. In addition, raw honey appears to stand out as perhaps a better source of carbohydrate to ingest with post-workout protein supplements. These findings support our previous study presented at the annual Experimental Biology meeting in April 2000,” added Dr. Kreider.
“In addition to promoting muscle recuperation and glycogen [carbohydrates stored in muscle] restoration, honey-protein combinations also seem well suited to sustain favorable blood sugar concentrations after training.”
Honey’s Nutrition and Health Facts
Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids in Every Bite
Raw honey contains small amounts of a wide array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. The vitamins found in honey may include (depending on floral variety) niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid; minerals present include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Just as the color and flavor of honey varies by floral source, so does the vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and amino acid content.
Antioxidants in Honey
In addition to the nutrients that are involved in normal metabolic activity, foods contain components that may provide additional health benefits. These nutrients are referred to as nutraceuticals. Phytochemicals are one broad category of nutraceuticals found in plants that are actively being investigated by scientists for their health-promoting potential. Honey has a phytochemical profile which includes polyphenols that can act as antioxidants.
Antioxidants perform the role of eliminating free radicals, which are reactive compounds in the body. Free radicals are created through the normal process of metabolism and contribute to many serious diseases. Researchers at the University of Illinois, led by Nicki J. Engeseth, Ph.D. and May R. Berenbaum, Ph.D., are studying the antioxidant capacity of common honey varieties.
Honey’s Antimicrobial Properties and Benefits to Wound Healing
The use of honey as a wound dressing goes back to ancient times and has now been ‘rediscovered’ by modern medicine, according to Dr. Peter Molan of the University of Waikato, New Zealand. “It is a common observation in the many reports in medical journals that numerous benefits result from using honey to dress wounds,” says Dr. Molan. The antibacterial properties of honey may help clear infection in wounds, and the anti-inflammatory action of honey may reduce pain and may improve circulation which hastens the healing process. According to Dr. Molan, “Honey stimulates the re-growth of tissue involved in healing, making healing faster and reducing scarring.
PART I: 10 Malaysian ways... culture or disgusting habits?
1. Just LOVE to throw rubbishes anywhere at anytime
2. LOVE to spit no matter where they are
3. LOVE not to be punctual at all times, at any occassions
4. LOVE to look rich even though they are not affordable to do so
5. LOVE not to queue up at any places
6. LOVE to westernize their life and forget their own roots
7. Love "mat salleh' and show off to the world that he/she has white lover? da...
8. LOVE free food
9. LOVE entertaintment more than education
10. LOVE to die on the street as road gangster than as a hero
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